What I’m Learning As a CDO

I always assumed that lack of communication between IT, Marketing and Sales departments contributed to unsuccessful tech implementations. I always felt that the right solution was a CDO, who actively communicated with multiple stakeholders and spearheaded the digital transition. I was wrong. I’ve been lucky enough to work with several patient, and seasoned business savvy […]

Teens and social media

I wrote a guest blog post on Boys & Girls Club, Green Bay’s blog as a resource for parents. Check it out, I hope you find it helpful. I’m no expert in parenting, however, there is some good stuff there for today’s parents. Don’t Ban Your Teen from Facebook  

Where I’ve been…


I haven’t been keeping this blog updated for the past couple of months. I’m sorry that I was away. I was transitioning into a new position and my schedule got hectic during the transition period. For those who are curious, yes, I love my new position!

Don’t ask for the latest acronym


I got a request today for a HTML5 website. I’m always afraid when a client asks for a specific technology. I’ve gone through this very scenario with Flash about 10 years ago! When I asked for project requirements, I didn’t see the need for HTML5. Mind you, I’m excited about HTML5 and use some very useful […]